The Financial Services Commission (FSC) of Mauritius is spearheading an initiative to integrate the metaverse into the financial services. In this article, we will delve into the details of Mauritius’ pioneering endeavor, exploring how the FSC is seeking collaboration and insights from the public and industry stakeholders to shape the financial services of the future.

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Mauritius Embraces Metaverse Transformation

The FSC’s forward-thinking approach is evident as they dedicate the entire month of November to gather feedback and opinions from the public and industry experts. Their aim? To understand the strategic implications and potential consequences of integrating the metaverse into the financial services industry. A recent consultation paper serves as a testament to their commitment in this transformative journey.

Mauritius envisions a future where its regulatory and business environments are not just ready but re-engineered to embrace the metaverse. This digital realm is expanding globally, and Mauritius is keen to keep pace with this revolutionary technology. The FSC draws inspiration from international offshore regulators, such as the European Commission, the United Kingdom, Dubai, Indonesia, China, South Korea, and Singapore, who have already made significant strides in adapting to the metaverse.

As nations across different continents take steps forward, a future can be anticipated whereby the metaverse will transform into a space that not only unleashes boundless imagination but also upholds fundamental values of consumer protection and individual empowerment.

The Financial Services Commission (FSC) of Mauritius

This visionary stance reflects a commitment to safeguarding the rights and interests of the public within the metaverse.


Seven Crucial Questions for Public Engagement

Recognizing the need for collaborative efforts in reshaping financial services to accommodate the metaverse, the FSC has put forth seven crucial questions to the public and industry stakeholders. These questions serve as the foundation for inclusive and well-informed decision-making. Respondents are expected to share their opinions and insights on these questions by November 30th.

FSC Mauritius asks seven metaverse-related questions to stakeholders and the general public. Source:

The responses gathered will be instrumental in establishing a multidisciplinary working group. This group will further deliberate on shaping future policies and regulatory orientations concerning the metaverse within financial services. It’s a prime example of how Mauritius values the collective wisdom in making informed decisions about the financial future.

Simultaneously, the Bank of Mauritius is gearing up to launch its pilot project for a central bank digital currency (CBDC) within the next few months. Progress on this initiative had reached an advanced stage as of September.

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Mauritius is making waves by venturing into the metaverse as it seeks to redefine the landscape of financial services. The FSC’s inclusive approach, dedication to collaboration, and commitment to safeguarding consumer rights and individual empowerment are at the heart of this visionary journey. As other nations join the metaverse revolution, Mauritius is taking strides to ensure that its regulatory and business environments are prepared for the inevitable changes.

You Need More:

The seven questions posed to the public are not just inquiries; they represent a path toward building a financial future that embraces the metaverse while addressing critical issues. The pilot phase of a digital rupee, expected in November 2023, further emphasizes Mauritius’ dedication to technological advancement. In the words of Harvesh Kumar Seegolam, the governor of the Bank of Mauritius, central bank digital currencies play a determining role in protecting monetary sovereignty and combating financial crime.

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