The XRPL (XRP Ledger) is set to undergo a significant upgrade with the introduction of the fixReducedOffersV1 amendment. This amendment, which has received over 80% approval from validators, aims to improve the functionality of the XRPL by addressing critical issues related to decentralized exchange (DEX) offerings.

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Activation Countdown for fixReducedOffersV1

What is the XRP Ledger, and what this countdown phase represents? Let’s learn together, hodlers!

The XRP Ledger is a decentralized public blockchain built for business. The peer-to-peer network that manages the ledger is open to everyone. The XRP Ledger is maintained by software engineers, server operators, users, and businesses–a global community working to solve problems and create real-world value.

Source: XRP Ledger Official Site

The fixReducedOffersV1 amendment is now in a two-week activation countdown phase, with the requirement of an 80% consensus for the upgrade to be executed. This countdown signifies an important milestone for the XRPL and paves the way for the introduction of additional features in the coming weeks.


One of the key aspects of the fixReducedOffersV1 amendment is its focus on minimizing the prevalence of order books obscured by reduced offers. This enhancement will greatly improve the overall functionality of the XRPL, ensuring that users have access to transparent and reliable trading information on the platform.

Favorable Exchange Rates on XRPL DEXs

The upgrade addresses a crucial issue related to reduced offers on XRPL DEXs. By rounding the exchange rate of a reduced offer, the amendment makes it more favorable than the original offer. This improvement enables users to accept more favorable requests and prevents unfavorable exchange rates for offers with minimal remaining amounts. Consequently, decentralized brokerage platforms operating on the XRPL will experience fewer challenges in providing efficient trading services.

Importance of Upgrading to XRPL v1.12.0

To fully leverage the benefits of the fixReducedOffersV1 amendment, users are advised to upgrade their systems to the latest XRPL version (v1.12.0). This upgrade is necessary for continued engagement as a node provider or for other specified protocol functions. The XRPL v1.12.0 update, launched in September, introduced various features, bug fixes, and amendments, including the fixReducedOffersV1 amendment. Users had until September 20 to upgrade and avoid disruption.

– Why did the cryptocurrency trader rush to upgrade their XRPL system before September 20?

– Because they heard XRPL v1.12.0 came with a “fixReducedOffersV1” feature—apparently, even XRPL gets its order books in shape before a disruption deadline!



The impending activation of the fixReducedOffersV1 amendment on the XRPL marks an important milestone in enhancing the functionality of the ledger. With its focus on minimizing obscured order books and improving exchange rates on DEXs, this upgrade will provide a more transparent and efficient trading experience for XRPL users.

More Info:

It is crucial for users to upgrade to the latest XRPL version to leverage the benefits of this amendment and stay aligned with the evolving ecosystem. Keep calm, update to the latest version and get benefits, hodlers!

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