South Korea’s Daejeon City fell victim to a server breach orchestrated by hackers aiming to exploit the computational power for cryptocurrency mining. The surge in cryptojacking incidents worldwide highlights the growing threat posed by cybercriminals in the crypto ecosystem.

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Intrusion and Malware Infection

The hackers gained unauthorized access to the administrator accounts of Daejeon City and subsequently infected the servers with malware. This malicious software allowed them to exploit the computational power of the compromised servers for the purpose of mining cryptocurrencies.

During a government joint audit on June 2, 2023, it came to light that the servers were infected with malware. The city’s cyber department promptly reported the incident to South Korea’s National Intelligence Services, initiating further investigation and response measures.

Understanding Cryptojacking

Cryptojacking refers to the practice of using victims’ devices or systems to mine cryptocurrencies without their consent. It has emerged as a favored method for cybercriminals to harness computing power for financial gain, exploiting vulnerabilities in digital infrastructure.

Source: Wired

Alarming Statistics

The year 2023 witnessed a staggering surge in cryptojacking incidents globally. The attack volume reached an alarming 332 million, almost triple the previous year’s count of 139 million.

Source: SonicWall


The server breach in Daejeon City, South Korea, serves as a stark reminder of the vulnerabilities within the crypto ecosystem. Cryptojacking incidents continue to pose a significant risk, demanding heightened cybersecurity measures and global cooperation.

More Info: 

The arrest of a cryptojacking mastermind by Europol signifies a step forward in the fight against these illicit activities. As the crypto landscape evolves, it is crucial for individuals and organizations to remain vigilant and adopt robust security practices to safeguard their digital assets from cyber threats.

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