Privacy-conscious Americans are enraged, unhappy, and probably, nothing else will make them jovial unless the government stops its privacy-intrusive program. They even wish to challenge the recently signed into law, FISA legislation which allows security agencies to surveil them without warrant.

Welcome to another week at HODL FM. The only Web3 publication that would never EVER come between a degen and their privacy. Trust us, we would never blow your cover.

Our subject today is a bill that has just been passed into law. Many say it’s a terrifying bill, others say it will counter the terrible things that terrorists do. But if there is one thing that everyone who does not support the legislation can agree on is this one here: The biggest abomination to human dignity is denying a degen their god-given right to privacy.

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Passing Section 702 Of The Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act

A few weeks ago, Las Vegas piloted an artificial intelligence surveillance program for city district residents. Now the government is signing a bill to grant agencies surveillance powers, which critics say will breach the privacy of U.S. Citizens. Those championing the bill to come into effect say it will be crucial in countering terrorism. Already, 60 -34 of the Senate voted in favor of reauthorizing, extending, and amending section 702 of FISA (the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act). 

President Biden is among those championing the bill to extend for an additional two years. After the vote, the president went ahead and signed it into law. According to him, the legislation is essential in protecting U.S. interests in national security. 

The Senate’s leader of Majority Chuck Schumer said FISA is not only an important piece of the national security toolbox but also an effective measure for tackling drug trafficking, terrorist attacks, and violent extremism. However, critics believe this will only usher in an era where the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA), the National Security Agency (NSA, the Federal Bureau of Investigations (FBI), and other government agencies can spy on citizens.

A President’s Birthday Wish

Director Elizabeth Goiten of the Brennan Centre for Justice wrote on X lashing out at members of the Senate who passed the bill into law, labeling them as sellouts who had just sold the civil liberties of all Americans.

The new law will now allow agencies like the FBI access to communication protocols of any enterprise based in the United States. These cuts across forcing Internet Service Providers (ISPs) such as Verizon and Google to hand over personal or sensitive data. This means the government can easily stretch its scope of surveillance and force companies to assist in the program. According to Goiten, this is the best gift to any U.S president who would want to spy on journalists, political enemies, and ideological opponents. Edward Snowden echoed similar remarks saying FISA was unconstitutional and its reauthorization meant a big loss to America.

A large segment of Democrats and Republicans have criticized the bill despite it having already been passed by the House of Representatives. Privacy-conscious lawmakers attempted to push for an amendment requiring agencies to acquire a warrant for all its surveillance but lost by a small margin.