At the end of 2023, several ETF issuers kicked off a series of marketing campaigns, including cryptocurrency video ads, aimed at promoting Bitcoin. This surge in activity was primarily fueled by anticipation for the approval of the first-ever U.S. spot Bitcoin ETF, which eventually happened on January 10, 2024.

Now, let’s take a trip back in time and check out the lineup of promotional videos and marketing materials presented by these aspiring Bitcoin ETF video campaigns issuers.

In our roundup, we’ve got bitcoin advertising videos from Bitwise, VanEck, and Hashdex, all of whom took the approval of ETFs quite seriously and rolled out individual ad clips ahead of the green light. We’ve also thrown in videos from Invesco Galaxy and Global X – while not specifically ETF-focused cryptocurrency advertising, they recently made a splash on their social media feeds, and we couldn’t resist the temptation to include them.

Read More: The Top 10 Bitcoin ETF Applications


Hashdex’s first video, released on December 20, channels the vibe of a dump truck commercial. In this visually vibrant ad, presumably loaded with gold (or so we’d like to believe), sits next to a single Bitcoin, highlighting the potentially disruptive nature of cryptocurrency.

The footage of the cruising truck is interspersed with catchy slogans that declare, “Stocks aren’t crypto. Fixed income isn’t crypto. Precious metals? Nope. Not crypto either. Your bitcoin investment campaigns deserves a crypto-focused firm.” And then, the company logo pops up with a link to details about their BTC ETF marketing. 

The second ad, aired on December 28, takes us on a delightful trip down retro-computer memory lane with a nod to the ’80s. In this gem, a man dismisses the utility of personal computers, suggesting that using home computers for everyday tasks is less efficient than keeping them old-school with simple manual record-keeping. The satirical interview playfully pokes fun at skepticism toward personal computing and draws parallels with the current sentiment surrounding Bitcoin.

The ad wraps up with the message, “Understanding disruptive innovation takes time,” followed by, “Bitcoin’s time has arrived,” cleverly drawing parallels between the early skepticism of personal computers and the current status of Bitcoin as a disruptive innovation. Because, let’s face it, every innovation has its own share of skeptics.

The third video, in our humble opinion, nails the current Bitcoin crypto asset promotion videos situation perfectly. Released on January 5, it’s a commercial parody reminiscent of Burger King – a fast-food-themed idol. This last video is dedicated to the introduction of credit card payments in fast-food chains. The video begins by showcasing the original Burger King ad on the TV screen, highlighting the novelty of using credit cards for fast-food purchases – a concept that was groundbreaking at the time.

The ad emphasizes the convenience and modernity of this new payment method, echoing the initial public skepticism and the gradual acceptance of credit cards as a standard form of payment. The slogan in the ad echoes words from the previous video.

This humorous blend of vintage Burger King commercials praising credit cards underscores the potential convenience and accessibility of Bitcoin Exchange-Traded Funds. Because just like credit cards revolutionized the way we pay for everything, not just fast food, Bitcoin is on its way to shake up the financial landscape.

Using Burger King advertising as a metaphor is Hashdex’s way of illustrating the potential of Bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies. Much like credit card payments were once a novel concept that has now become commonplace, Hashdex suggests that Bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies could follow a similar trajectory. The ad aims to position Bitcoin as the next step in the evolution of financial transactions, emphasizing the potential offering of a Bitcoin ETF crypto advertisements by Hashdex.

However, despite the undoubtedly professional approach to creating this series of Bitcoin promotion videos, followers intentionally flooded the X thread with comments, insisting that Bitwise’s ad was superior. 


Due to popular demand from Hashdex X followers, let’s focus on Bitwise. Bitwise Asset Management, renowned for its crypto index funds and ETFs, rolled out an ad campaign titled “Bitwise Is Interest,” featuring two videos released on December 18 and 20.

In this ad, none other than Jonathan Goldsmith, the actor famous for his Dos Equis “The Most Interesting Man in the World” commercials, takes the stage. Dressed in his iconic black suit, Goldsmith, with his cult dry humor, declares, “You know what’s interesting these days? Bitcoin.” The ad concludes with the slogan, “Look for Bitwise, my friends.”

The financial product advertising campaign was seen as a strategic move in the realm of cryptocurrency promotion, aimed at solidifying Bitwise’s position as a leading expert in blockchain investment ads. In the second installment of “The Most Interesting Man in the World” series, he casually drops, “Thought you would like to know Satoshi sends his regards,” and wraps it up with a callback to the previous video’s catchphrase.

Overall, the campaign was crafted to broaden public awareness of Bitwise’s expertise in the cryptocurrency sphere and was showcased across various media platforms, including television, social, and digital channels.


VanEck, the asset management firm, kicked off its cryptocurrency support campaign titled “Born to Bitcoin” on December 29 through social media. The ad was shot in New York and is part of a series of aggressive crypto marketing strategies employed by various firms as the deadline for the decision on the first-ever spot Bitcoin ETF in the U.S. approaches.

The “Born to Bitcoin” ad is a cheeky 19-second teaser that conspicuously avoids directly promoting a Bitcoin ETF. It features the silhouette of a figure strolling against the city skyline backdrop, carrying a sign reading “Buy Bitcoins,” reminiscent of the fan who held it up behind Janet Yellen in 2017. The ad wraps up with the words “Born to Bitcoin.” Because when it comes to advertising, subtlety is the name of the game, especially when you’re born to embrace the Bitcoin vibe!

Companies that Couldn’t Be Bothered to Whip Up Separate Commercials for Digital Currency ETFs

We’ve wrapped up detailing the specific crypto investment ads tailor-made for digital asset ETFs, but that doesn’t mean other players consider themselves so popular that they can just breeze past this promotional avenue. They’ve joined the digital battle for investors but with a slightly different approach. Let’s take a peek at what they’ve cooked up for us. Because, you know, in this digital battlefield, everyone’s got their unique flavor of persuasion.

Global X

Global X didn’t roll out a conventional ad, but they did treat us to a more traditional corporate video. In this masterpiece, their Head of Research spills the beans on how digital asset economies are emerging as cutting-edge markets for global value, content, and culture. The video is part of their campaign aptly named “Chart Disruption,” where they dive deep into the advantages of blockchain technology and digital assets in general. 


Invesco, the brainiacs collaborating with Galaxy Digital on their Bitcoin ETF app, didn’t bother with an official video. However, they did throw some virtual contenct by sharing a video posted by Mike Novogratz from Galaxy Digital on Bitcoin’s birthday, January 3, with the caption: “Happy Birthday, #bitcoin. Cheers to 15 years of financial revolution innovation!” 

The video starts with the words, “15 years ago, a revolution was born, not on the streets, but in the silent depths of the digital worlds” It romanticizes the aspects of Bitcoin and the community, and then, for the grand finale, Novogratz saunters up to the camera and declares, “Happy Birthday, Bitcoin,” wrapping it all up with the logos of Invesco and Galaxy. 

To sum up

Well, there you have it – the cream of the crop from these ETF issuers. Feeling a bit underwhelmed, are we? Yeah, I get it. Personally, we were most impressed by the first company in the lineup – Hashdex. Those folks really knew how to approach it with finesse and professionalism. The rest felt like tossing ashes into the wind. Not to mention that the big shots, like BlackRock, didn’t even bother to break a sweat over their ETF ads.

Read More on ETF: 

A round of applause for those who put in the effort, and we’re just throwing in our subjective ratings. Ultimately, dear reader, the final judgment is yours to make. Cheers to the wild world of ETF advertising – may it be as diverse as the cryptocurrency market trends itself!

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