Telegram recently made some big changes to their privacy policy, which became effective on September 23, 2024. The messaging app's update states it will share user data, including IP addresses and phone numbers, with law enforcement upon valid legal requests.

As expected, the Telegram community is not happy with this development. A vast majority of users are of the opinion that the update marks a significant shift from Telegram's previous commitment to user privacy.

What does Telegram's new data policy mean for secure communication? Does Telegram risk losing millions of users?

Let's breakdown the key points:

  • Telegram announced it will share user data, including IP addresses and phone numbers, with law enforcement upon valid legal requests starting September 23, 2024.
  • The new policy expands data sharing from only terror suspects to any users suspected of violating Telegram's Terms of Service.
  • CEO Pavel Durov stated the change aims to combat criminal activities and enhance user safety on the platform.
  • Many users have expressed concerns on social media, fearing a loss of privacy and security in their communications.
  • Telegram plans to publish quarterly reports detailing instances of data sharing with authorities to maintain some level of accountability.

This whole privacy policy saga started from Durov's recent arrest in France over alleged criminal activities linked to Telegram. While he was released on bail, he remains under investigation, which prompted a reassessment of how the app handles user data. 

Many experts are of the opinion that the arrest might be politically motivated and the CEO is being coerced to share users' data. A popular politics critic, Tucker Carlson, posted a two-hour long video on his X account explaining his point of view on what "really" happened.

However, the Telegram CEO Pavel Durov has come out to say that the change is intended to address criminal activities like terrorism and human trafficking on the platform.

His words during an interview were, "If Telegram receives a valid order from the relevant judicial authorities that confirms you're a suspect in a case involving criminal activities that violate the Telegram Terms of Service, we will perform a legal analysis of the request and may disclose your IP address and phone number."

However, the backlash from users following this privacy policy update has been swift and vocal. Many took to social media platforms like X (formerly Twitter) to express their discontent. One user lamented, “Telegram’s most compelling feature is gone. Privacy is dying, one app at a time”. 

Critics argue that Telegram's policy change undermines its core appeal of strong privacy protections. Previously, user data was shared only in cases involving terror suspects, but now it extends to any users suspected of violating terms of service, raising concerns about potential misuse by authorities. 

Although Telegram plans to publish quarterly transparency reports on data sharing, many users remain doubtful about their privacy. The platform has also introduced new measures to better remove illegal content, with CEO Durov stating these steps are essential for maintaining the platform's integrity for its nearly one billion users.

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