Ethereum co-founder Vitalik Buterin’s NFT Metalabel Collection has taken the NFT world by storm, securing the top spot on OpenSea. This unique digital art collection boasts distinctive designs and a philanthropic edge, with proceeds going towards commendable causes. As the NFT market continues to evolve, we can anticipate more innovative applications for NFTs and exciting developments from Vitalik and other pioneers in the crypto space. Let’s raise a glass to Vitalik and the NFT Metalabel Collection for revolutionizing the digital art scene and providing enrichment, both financially and culturally.

Overview of the NFT Metalabel Collection

The NFT Metalabel Collection is a captivating series of 10,000 digital art pieces created by talented artists and designers at Metalabel. This collection’s visually stunning and one-of-a-kind works of art have captured the attention of collectors and enthusiasts alike, solidifying its position as a sought-after addition to the rapidly growing NFT market.

Trading Volume

The NFT Metalabel Collection has experienced remarkable trading activity, having exchanged hands for an impressive sum of 3,748 ETH, equivalent to roughly $5.4 million. However, the collection’s benevolent nature, which donates proceeds to Gitcoin, Plurality Institute, and Metalabel, sets it apart from other collections. These organizations initiate the Quadratic Collection, which seeks to gather resources for the common good. With Vitalik Buterin’s endorsement, this series has rapidly gained prominence in the NFT market. If you’re interested in investing in a collection that gives back to the community, the NFT Metalabel Collection is worth considering.

What is the Participation of Vitalik Buterin?

Move over Banksy, Vitalik Buterin is taking the NFT world by storm! As the co-founder of Ethereum, he’s recently taken on a significant role in the development and promotion of the Metalabel Collection, generating more buzz than a swarm of bees in a honey factory. Buterin’s active involvement has not only enhanced the reputation of the collection, but also highlighted the importance of innovation and philanthropy in the growing NFT market. With his insights and expertise, he’s setting new standards for what can be accomplished in the realm of NFTs. Looks like we have a new NFT superhero in town, folks!

Author’s Opinion

In my view, Vitalik Buterin’s involvement in the Metalabel Collection illustrates the rising integration of technology, art, and social impact. His backing of this project communicates a strong message about the potential of blockchain technology and NFTs to generate enduring positive effects beyond financial returns. It is inspiring to see a leader like Buterin leveraging his influence to endorse projects that not only display creativity but also stress the value of contributing to society. I believe this engagement will likely encourage other notable figures in the crypto sphere to pursue similar endeavors, ultimately leading to more inventive and socially conscious projects in the future.

When was the First Release of Metalabel?

The first release of Metalabel was back in 2021, and since then, it has grown to become one of the most popular NFT collections on the market. Metalabel’s unique style and creative designs have caught the attention of collectors and enthusiasts alike, solidifying its position as an exciting and sought-after addition to the rapidly growing NFT market.

Metalabel is sold exclusively on OpenSea, one of the largest NFT marketplaces in the world. The collection has seen tremendous success on the platform, with many pieces selling for large sums of money. In fact, some of Metalabel’s pieces have been sold for over 100 ETH, which is equivalent to hundreds of thousands of dollars.

Influencers like Elon Musk and Snoop Dogg have also played a significant role in the rise of Metalabel’s popularity. Elon Musk, for example, sold an NFT music video featuring a Shiba Inu dog for over $1 million, which helped to draw attention to the NFT market and Metalabel. Snoop Dogg, on the other hand, released his own NFT collection, which was well received by the community.

Metalabel has also received recognition for its philanthropic efforts, with proceeds from the sale of the NFT collection going towards commendable causes such as Gitcoin, Plurality Institute, and Metalabel. This initiative, known as the Quadratic Collection, is a testament to Metalabel’s commitment to making a positive impact on society.

Overall, the success and recognition of Metalabel have been remarkable, and the collection shows no signs of slowing down. As the NFT market continues to evolve, it will be exciting to see what new and innovative designs Metalabel and other NFT collections will come up with in the future.

FAQ about NFT collections

Let’s tackle some typical inquiries about NFT collections:

What is an NFT Collection?

An NFT collection consists of a set of digital assets that are distinctive and irreplaceable. They can encompass a range of items, including digital art, music, or even tweets.

How Many NFTs are in an NFT Collection?

The number of NFTs within a collection can differ. For instance, the NFT Metalabel Collection contains 10,000 unique pieces. 

How Many NFT Collections are on OpenSea?

OpenSea, a leading NFT marketplace, offers a vast array of NFT collections for sale. At present, there are over 100,000 collections available on OpenSea.

What Does the Future Hold for NFTs?

NFTs are clearly more than just a fleeting trend. They hold the power to transform how we perceive digital ownership and value. As an increasing number of individuals engage with the NFT market, we can look forward to more imaginative and inventive applications for NFTs down the line.

Nevertheless, the growing popularity of NFTs calls for regulation and transparency. Like any emerging technology, there are inherent risks, and it’s crucial to approach the NFT market prudently.


The NFT Metalabel Collection has undoubtedly captured the attention of the crypto community. Its innovative designs, along with Vitalik Buterin’s endorsement, have propelled it to a prominent position on OpenSea. Additionally, the fact that proceeds from sales go towards commendable causes makes it even more appealing.

Nonetheless, it’s important to remember that the NFT Metalabel Collection is just one of many NFT collections out there. OpenSea NFT alone features over 100,000 collections and this number is expected to rise as more people delve into the NFT market. 

If you’re thinking about investing in digital art, the NFT Metalabel Collection might be worth exploring. However, it’s crucial to do your homework and approach the NFT market with a healthy dose of caution.As with any emerging technology, certain risks are involved, and it’s crucial to base your decisions on thorough research.

You never know, your NFT collection might just become the talk of the town, climbing to the top of OpenSea NFT`s charts and supporting a noble cause. The realm of NFTs offers endless opportunities, and it’s fascinating to imagine where this technology will lead us in the future.

To sum up, the NFT Metalabel Collection demonstrates the capacity of NFTs to redefine how we view digital ownership and value. Its imaginative designs, supported by Vitalik Buterin and a focus on charitable efforts, contribute to its appeal in the NFT realm. However, although the NFT market shows great potential, it’s essential to approach it cautiously and make thoughtful choices. As the saying goes in the crypto community, “DYOR” – do your own research!