When we think of a brand associated with luxury mobile phones, Vertu is the one and only that comes to mind; it has been so since the time mobile phones entered our daily lives. Vertu is the brand that by far outruns its rivals in terms of the uniqueness of their devices. In fact, the brand does not have any real competitors in their market segment, as they provide their customers with niche devices and exclusive services no other company has to offer.

Source: Vertu Mag

The hallmark feature of Vertu phones is the focus on luxury. This starts with the phones being handcrafted, sometimes literally tailor-made to a customer’s preferences, and ends with the materials used for the phone. Besides, it has all the chances to become the new gossip fodder due to MetaVertu – the new web 3 phone the company recently introduced.

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The History of Vertu

The brand was founded by Nokia and Frank Nuovo in 1998 in the United Kingdom and, since that time, Vertu history has seen its ups and downs. Being Nokia’s child, it had much more to offer than other brands in the pre-smartphone era, especially in terms of their design. In particular, they won a prestigious prize for that, the Red Dot Award, back in 2009. Other important milestones are all linked to its integration in the luxury world and iconic collaborations with other brands, such as Vogue in 2012 and Bentley in 2014. 


Considering the clientele of the brand, privacy appeared to be of utmost importance, along with the display of their status. Therefore, Vertu phones were equipped with a high-end message encryption system developed in cooperation with the Silent Circle

Until recently, the company had not had any dramatic changes in their phones, their design being the main feature. However, this all changed with the introduction of MetaVertu model, a web 3 Vertu smartphone for crypto savvies, which we will talk more about later in this article. 

Craftsmanship Beyond Compare

Craftmanship has been the salient point of Vertu’s production, as it has been the key that makes them different from other phones out there. Compared to large-scale factories that produce immense amounts of smartphones, all similar to one another, the production of Vertu smartphones is smaller. However, each and every phone is crafted by hand using an abundance of premium materials. The company uses both good old classics, such as crocodile leather, precious metals, diamonds etc., and cutting-edge durable materials, like sapphire glass and carbon fiber. The combination of materials used in the phones can be unique for every specific one, meeting the needs of the most demanding VIP customers. Besides, the manufacturer is also working to enhance the overall user experience, for instance, with superior audio quality, among other things.


Exclusive Services for Discerning Customers

Vertu is not just about luxurious handsets; it’s all about helping their customers and putting them above everything else. Therefore, concierge services are available to enhance Vertu ownership experience. A little about history though; the first luxury concierge request that the company received was four years after it was founded, namely in 2002, and the request was to book flight tickets from London to New York. Of course, you are entitled to a lot more than that. Actually, if you go to their homepage, you’ll see a clickable contact button that opens a chat, where the concierge service is one of the options. So, you can reach out for any help by any convenient means. 

Innovation Meets Luxury

Vertu has been criticized for not being so technically advanced as other smartphones. Indeed, the brand had likely focused a lot more on uniqueness of their devices than on their technical characteristics. However, it all changed with the latest Vertu model named MetaVertu, where innovation in luxury becomes evident.

MetaVertu is a brand-new concept where Vertu is likely to be ahead of most other smartphone brands. The novelty of the concept is that the phone is developed as a web 3 phone aimed at crypto enthusiasts. Indeed, it offers a lot of features that would come in handy for those who value premium products and are into web 3. 

Source: Gizmochina

The phone is equipped with a bundle of web 3 applications for mining, trading, and storing cryptocurrency. You can even create NFT and mint with the phone. NFT can be created from the pictures from your camera up to 5 times a day, by assigning the image a unique identifier and putting it on blockchain. So far, it looks like this is the first phone ever that can do this with built-in software. 

Vertu’s Role in Modern Luxury

Vertu has been a fixture in the scene for what feels like forever. Ever since it stepped into the spotlight, there have been those who crave and covet Vertu for its distinctiveness. Owning a Vertu phone has always been synonymous with flaunting high social status, a bold statement that says, “Look at me, I’ve made it!”

Vertu is a timeless luxury. It’s the original status symbol that isn’t losing its charm anytime soon. In this tech-crazed world where the next big thing is always just around the corner, Vertu remains a steadfast presence and a luxury relic. Yes, there are numerous critics that say Vertu is outdated and is too little for too much, but I bet if they could have one, they wouldn’t probably be against it, even if they don’t want to admit it. 

The Future of Vertu

Vertu’s role in luxury market is hard to overestimate. However, we are now witnessing the company’s game plan taking an unexpected turn. After all these years of criticism, they’ve finally decided to give tech enthusiasts what they want with more and more tech-savvy folks entering those VIP social circles, especially from the crypto crowd. Their latest device MetaVertu is a bold and loud statement that the company is not just about the traditional elite anymore; tech is where it’s at. 

Looking ahead, I wouldn’t be surprised if Vertu kept pioneering in the field of blockchain and web 3.0 given the market segment is half empty (or half full if you’re an optimist). In this evolving landscape, Vertu could become the tech-savvy aristocrat’s choice. 


Final Words

Vertu has been the epitome of luxury in mobile phones with no real competitors among contemporary luxury brands. The distinctive design of its handcrafted smartphones makes it unrivaled in the market, even with all the criticism around it. The recent introduction of MetaVertu, a web 3 smartphone catering to cryptocurrency enthusiasts, marks a bold step into modernity, challenging perceptions and expanding its audience to the new VIP crowd.

More Info:

Owning a Vertu phone signifies more than just a device; it’s a symbol of status and success. Despite previous critiques regarding its tech capabilities, MetaVertu is among Vertu innovations that cannot be ignored, hinting at an exciting future in the luxury technology segment. Let’s hope they won’t let us down and we’ll see even more advanced and thought-through solutions in the near future.

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