Florida Governor and Presidential Candidate Puts the Ban on CBDCs

Ron DeSantis, the Floridian firebrand, took center stage at the Family Leadership Summit on July 14. With conviction in his voice and a twinkle in his eye, he vowed to eliminate central bank digital currencies (CBDCs) from the United States if he were to be elected president.

“If I am the president, on day one, we will nix central bank digital currency. Done. Dead. Not happening in this country”.

he sort of said something like that

The summit also featured six other Republican Party candidates, but DeSantis stole the show with his promise.


A Digital Dollar Dilemma: DeSantis Strikes Again!

It’s no secret that DeSantis has a bone to pick with the idea of a digital dollar on American soil. Just a few months ago, he signed a bill in Florida that put the kibosh on using federal CBDCs as a form of money. Not stopping there, he even banned the use of foreign CBDCs, arguing that it would result in a “massive transfer of power from consumers to a central authority.” Talk about taking a stand!

The CBDC Controversy: Digital Assets and Despotism

Now, you may be wondering, what’s the big fuss about CBDCs? Well, my dear reader, a central bank digital currency is not too different from your run-of-the-mill traditional currency issued by a central bank. Think of it as the digital cousin of the good ol’ fiat currency we all know and (sometimes) love. It brings the perks of digital assets to the table, making transactions more convenient than ever.

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But wait! The crypto community has been engaged in a fierce battle of ideas when it comes to CBDCs. Critics argue that these digital currencies pose a threat to citizens’ privacy and could pave the way for absolute government control. On the other hand, proponents see CBDCs as a tool for widespread adoption and a brilliant showcase of the potential of blockchain technology on a global scale. It’s a classic clash of opinions that could rival the drama of a reality TV show.

CBDCs: A Growing Global Phenomenon

According to the extensive CBDC database curated by the fine folks at Cointelegraph, CBDC projects have been popping up like mushrooms after a spring rain. Over 100 countries have been doing their research on this technology, with at least 39 nations already diving headfirst into CBDC pilots, proof-of-concepts, and other related initiatives. It seems like everyone wants a piece of the CBDC pie!

Future Prospects: An Election that Could Change the Game

Now, here’s where things get even more interesting. The U.S. Federal Reserve, our trusty central banking institution, reportedly has no immediate plans to issue a digital dollar. With next year’s election on the horizon, the crypto discourse is seeping into the early campaign talks. Take Robert F. Kennedy Jr., for instance. He’s been championing Bitcoin since May as part of his bid for the Democratic Party nomination. And get this—he recently revealed that he has up to $250,000 worth of Bitcoin investments. Talk about putting your money where your mouth is!

From what it seems, Ron DeSantis is on a mission to rid the United States of CBDCs. Will he succeed? Only time will tell. Until then, let’s wait and see.


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