In the latest episode of “How Not to Tweet,” the cryptocurrency world got a bit of a jolt, thanks to what might be the most infamous tweet of the last month. Someone with way too much time on their hands got into the SEC’s Twitter account. Yes, the same SEC that’s supposed to be the watchdog of the financial world.

Source: Walker

So, what did our mysterious tweeter do? The SEC’s official Twitter account on X, experienced a security breach, leading to the dissemination of a fake post that falsely claimed the agency had approved Bitcoin ETF. This fraudulent information caused a momentary spike in the price of the largest cryptocurrency. The incident has prompted US authorities to launch an investigation into the breach of a social media account at the primary regulatory body of Wall Street.

Stay tuned for the next tweet – who knows what excitement it’ll bring to the financial markets!

The Hack Timeline

The hack resulted in a misleading tweet being posted at 3:11, stating that all Bitcoin ETFs had been approved. Just 15 minutes later, SEC Chair Gary Gensler confirmed that the agency’s Twitter account had been hacked.

Approximately four minutes after the initial tweet, the SEC regained control of their account and promptly deleted the fraudulent post at around 3:38. Finally, at 3:42, the SEC issued a tweet acknowledging the hack and clarifying that they had not approved any Bitcoin ETFs.

It’s almost comical how this incident perfectly highlights the ongoing challenges of cybersecurity in this digital age. One would think that financial regulatory bodies would have already figured out the importance of robust security measures to safeguard sensitive information and maintain trust.

But hey, better late than never, right?

Unauthorized Access to SEC’s Twitter Account

The SEC has confirmed that there was unauthorized access to its official Twitter account, @SECGov, by an unknown party for a brief period of time. The commission has taken immediate action to terminate this unauthorized access.

Oh, look at that! The account conveniently didn’t have two-factor authentication enabled when the incident occurred. Because, you know, who needs an extra layer of security in this day and age of rampant cyberattacks? It’s not like protecting your personal information is important or anything. So refreshing to see people embracing the “hack me, I dare you” mindset.

Impact on Bitcoin and Market Reaction

The circulation of the fake news had an immediate impact on the value of Bitcoin, causing a sudden dip. Although the fake tweet was subsequently deleted, its repercussions were felt throughout the day.

Some observers have raised questions about whether the SEC, which has expressed concerns about the manipulative nature of cryptocurrencies, will investigate the incident thoroughly, including any potential internal involvement.

Some analytics believe it’s still the indicator of the possible approval. Some say, we can expect formal approvals to roll in today. Oh, the anticipation!

Now, as for what will happen next? Well, brace yourselves for a flurry of market activity as investors scramble to jump on the ETF bandwagon. Prices will soar, dreams of untold riches will flourish, and everyone will be singing praises to this groundbreaking development. Or, you know, it could be just another day in the world of finance, with a few minor ripples that hardly make a dent in the grand scheme of things. But hey, let’s stay optimistic and believe that this ETF approval will change everything!


It’s truly awe-inspiring how the unauthorized access to a mere Twitter account and the harmless spread of false information could have such a profound impact on the delicate crypto space and the oh-so-stable financial markets. Surely, this incident will be the turning point that guarantees the infallible market integrity we’ve all been dreaming of. But hey, who needs genuine solutions when we can have investigations and empty promises instead?

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