Congress – the Heart of Innovation?

US Congressman Gus Bilirakis and Congresswoman Jan Schakowsky have decided to grace the tech world with their “wisdom”. They’ve penned a letter to none other than the revered Apple CEO, Tim Cook, embarking on a quest to find the enigmatic answers to App Store guidelines for apps dabbling in the mysteries of NFT and blockchain technologies. Let’s see what they’re up to this time!


The Perfect Duo

Picture this: a bipartisan letter, signed by two eminent members of the US Congress – Bilirakis and Schakowsky. A perfect pairing, like salt and pepper, Batman and Robin, or peanut butter and jelly. Their mission? Seeking enlightenment about Apple’s App Store policies concerning the ever-elusive blockchain, the enigmatic NFTs, and those mysterious distributed ledger technologies. They’re on a quest to unravel the truth, to see if Apple is indeed limiting innovation and quashing “American technological leadership.” A noble endeavor, no doubt.

Read more: Digital World Drama: Binance Sued by SEC, NFTs Get a Luxury Boost, While Apple’s Vision Pro Bypasses the Metaverse

Twitter Diplomacy: Sharing is Caring

The power of social media diplomacy! Bilirakis took to Twitter, the modern-day town square, to share their magnanimous letter with the world. The date was July 29th, an unforgettable day in tech history. The full press release awaited those who dared to follow the link, eager to delve into the depths of blockchain intrigue.

Apple, You Have Until August 14th!

Tick-tock, dear Apple, the clock is ticking! Congress is not one to wait idly by. They’ve given Tim Cook and his empire until August 14th to present their case, to answer the riddles within the letter. Questions aplenty, concerns abound! The letter questions how Apple treats apps that dare to dabble in blockchain technologies. They accuse Apple of using its guidelines to boost its profits and reduce the utility of blockchain-related apps. Coinbase’s case was singled out as a warning shot – a reminder of the power Apple wields over the digital realm. For, you see, Coinbase had to remove NFT transfers from its iOS version due to Apple’s infamous 30% cut demand. Quite the conundrum!

Read more: Invisible Capes and Cyber Tattoos: Deciphering Decentralized Identity in the Blockchain Era

It’s not just about games and digital toys. Oh no, these questions are for everyone! Congress seeks answers that could sway the tides for all app makers, not just the blockchain enthusiasts. The future of dApps on the App Store hangs in the balance.

Axie Infinity Wants to Chat

And so, as the clock continues to tick, the stage is set for a battle of wits between Congress and Apple. The drama unfolds, the spotlight shines, and the tech world eagerly awaits the grand finale. Will Tim Cook deliver the answers that Congress seeks, or will he conjure a masterful diversion? Will innovation find its sanctuary, or will it remain an elusive enigma? Only time will tell if this epic tale ends in triumph or trepidation. Stay tuned, for the show has just begun!

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