AI is the new and maybe even the most helpful trend in the world right now. Everyone has heard about it, and everyone is using it, from your grandma to your seventh-graders. And why wouldn’t they? AI can be used for so many unbelievable things. There are AI chatbots to keep you company. Some can generate images Leonardo da Vinci couldn’t even dream of, and there’s AI that can explain rocket science to you like a four-year-old. But unfortunately, that’s not all Al can do.

Related: Latest Google Study Says Users May Emotionally Connect with AI Assistants

A 2024 report from Elliptic shows that AI crime is on the rise. Many people are using AI technology to carry out criminal activities like deepfake scamming and cyberattacks, and according to the report, these crimes are not stopping anytime soon.

Elliptic’s report spared no details and even cited a disturbing advertisement for an unethical generative pre-trained transformer (GPT) on the dark web. The ad also claimed that “AI has two faces, just like humans.” That sounds like something straight out of The Matrix. 

But this may be true; AI may indeed have two faces. Just check out Worm GPT’s ad, also included in the report. 

“Embrace the dark symphony of code, where rules cease to exist, and the only limit is your imagination. Together, we navigate the shadows of cyberspace, ready to conquer new frontiers. What’s your next move?” 

Source: Meme Arsenal

That ad goes hard and makes you wonder how dangerous AI can get. According to the report from Elliptic, AI has already been used to create deepfake videos of Tesla King, Elon Musk, and the former Prime Minister of Singapore to promote fraudulent investment schemes. 

Elliptic’s report also mentioned that these crimes are on the rise. Scammers are now using more deepfake tactics to dupe crypto enthusiasts online than ever before. 

Government Alerts

It’s not only us regular people who are worried about AI crime. The government of the United States is, too. The Elliptic report shows Anne Neuberger, the U.S. Deputy National Security Advisor for Cyber and Emerging Technologies, also addressing the growing concerns about AI crime, not just everyday crimes. She says, Some North Korean and other nation-state and criminal actors have been observed trying to use AI models to accelerate the creation of malicious software and identifying vulnerable systems.” 

A government report like that tells you this is more real than you can imagine. It shows you that no one is safe—not you, me, or even the scammers. 

Source: Giphy

AI crime’s rise on dark web forums may seem clever. After all, the dark web sounds like a great place for online crime. However, as activity on the dark web increases, so does the potential for its downfall. 

More Info:

The FBI is quite good at catching dark web criminals; just take a look at what happened with Silk Road. Even as recently as May 18, a 23-year-old New Yorker was arrested and charged with owning, running, and profiting from a $100 million dark web narcotics marketplace. The FBI caught him through his crypto transfers. So, while AI-driven crime is on the rise, it’s at least good to know that these criminals can be caught. 

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